Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Blogging Challenge: Childhood Songs

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews. I have not been following along as reliably this year as I did in previous years, but I'm still participating! Mostly.)

Prompt: Songs that confused me when I was a kid...

I don't remember being especially confused by songs I heard as a kid. I really don't...

But in the course of talking about this with a friend of mine I got reminded of a couple of childhood songs that... well... have kind of a different flavor from what I hear of kids' songs these days. I wasn't confused about them, but I think they might be a bit confusing to modern children just because the entire genre seems to have gone out of fashion. 

Case in point: 

Or how about this one?

Or there's, well...

Okay, this last one isn't strictly a children's song, but I'm throwing it in here anyway because apparently I'm in a mood:


  1. From what I've seen my nephew's watching over the years, kid's songs seem to have gotten dumber. I'm lookin' at you Baby Shark!

    1. I must agree with you there, George!

    2. Yeah, that one's a whole different approach; it's trying for catchy instead of smart.

  2. I liked this genre of children’s songs when I was a kid. It’s too bad they have fallen out of fashion.

    1. It really is. I was trying to think of any recent equivalents and I can't come up with much of anything. I hope that's a failure on my part instead of the culture's...

  3. Good song picks!

    Pris cilla King

    (Google is acting weird about the fact that I've blocked cookies. Some Blogger/Blogspot blogs recognize me; some don't. I'm logged into Google.)

    1. Yeah, I've had a few issues and had to turn of the Enhanced Tracking Protection in Firefox for some blogspot blogs (including this one). No worries; do what you need to do.

  4. Yes, I can see those would have thrown me a bit as a child.

  5. There was a 1988 Canadian short film called the Cat Came Back that was a scream - and I assume inspired by the old song.

    1. I saw that! I stumbled across it while looking for this version of the song.


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