Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Character Sketch: Amados Bronin

Amados is beginning his first year at Sunhaven Academy, having applied and been accepted for his unusual talent as an artist. He is still human, though several groups (the vampires in particular) are interested in courting him despite his humble background. He is quietly ambitious, and has learned enough of fencing and sorcery to hold his own, but his relaxed and self-deprecating sense of humor are out of place among the children of the high and mighty. He uses a (very plain) dress sword as a focus, but his real skill is in producing images that connect directly to actual people and places; he spends most of his time working with the Academy's Illustrator to improve his art, and he isn't above producing a number of non-magical sketches or comics to make a point. 

In addition to the usual Tarot-style cards carried by the personages of the Empire, he keeps a personal deck of cards that he can use to connect to beasts, strategic locations (such as the inside of a jail cell), and environmental conditions (lava, hurricanes -- think of the Addams Family library) that he might want to call forth. 

Art is dangerous.

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