Monday, November 29, 2021

I don't like Sundays

I had a moment yesterday morning when, shortly after waking up, I opened up Twitter, read a bit, and then thought, Naw, this is too depressing, and closed it again. 

And then I sat there and thought a bit longer, and realized that Twitter really isn't the issue here. It's me, and the fact that it's Sunday and I have to go back to work tomorrow. I don't want to. I am fed up with my job on an existential level. 

I'm also about four years away from retirement, and I'd be lying if I said that wasn't part of the problem. So... I applied for something else within my organization. And I'm very, very curious to see how this plays out, especially since it's technically within the same department and I strongly suspect that they'd need to hire at least two people to take over what I'm currently doing. And honestly, I'm also fucking furious because I shouldn't need to be doing this at all. 

But here we all are. 

The next step after this one -- assuming that shifting over within the department isn't, um, "viable" -- is to start applying for jobs at organizations that feed into the same retirement plan (or compatible ones). Or, y'know, we could avoid the whole thing by performing a years-overdue reclassification of my current job, and start paying me for the number of responsibilities I've taken on... but honestly at this point I don't believe that management has the basic competence and/or decency to do that. If they did, it would have been done already. 

So no, fuck that. I'm sick of waiting, and I've been sick of waiting for fucking years now. I've got medical bills coming in for Beautiful Wife's cancer surgery, Firstborn is heading off to college in another couple of years, Secondborn isn't far behind him, and I am not being paid for the additional responsibilities that I was given years ago. I am done

Which is not to say that situation couldn't be salvaged. It could. But that would require some sort of positive action on my employer's part, and I don't have any reason to believe that will happen. Why would I?

And yes, I'm well aware that some of the people who read this blog are current or former co-workers. I am also well past giving a shit about that sort of concern. If our mutual employer doesn't like me trash-talking them, that's on them for letting this situation fester in the first place.

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