Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving, Y'all

 I know how I'll be spending mine...

Some things I'm grateful for this year (because I think it's good to stop and look these over): 

  • Beautiful Wife. I mean, just in general, she's awesome, and she handles so much stuff. Yes, I'm still smitten, and I'm grateful for that, too. 
  • The Boys. Yes, they make us crazy sometimes, but they're also hilarious and interesting and fun. It's wonderful to watch them inch closer to adulthood and self-sufficiency. 
  • Books. While my reading has been a bit circumscribed for the last couple of years -- I haven't always had the mental and emotional bandwidth to deal with anything too challenging -- I've read a number of really good new books and re-read a number of old favorites, and this has been both pleasant and good for my mental health. 
  • Modern Medicine. This on several levels, from fixing my teeth right on up to breast cancer surgery. Also...
  • Vaccinations. Huge load off my mind, that was. I'm getting the booster as soon as I possibly can, too, and Secondborn has finally had his first shot. Get vaccinated if you possibly can, please. 
  • My D&D groups. I have three: two different campaigns that I play in, and one that I run for Firstborn and his friends. They're very different, but they're all good groups and I am grovelingly grateful to have them in my life.

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