Friday, July 30, 2021

Shadow Academy: The Departure

This is not my actual opening scene. This is one I wrote out as a possible opening scene, but it starts out too far back from the main focus of the story, which is Darian and his time at the Sunhaven Academy of the Midnight Accord. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Darian Silver looked across the carefully-cleared field to the tall stone tower of the skydock at the far end and the massive beast that floated in the air beside it. "Dad," he said, faintly exasperated. "We talked about this. You helped me with application letter. We all agreed that this was best." 

Eric Silver shrugged. "I know, but agreeing that something is a good idea isn't always the same thing as actually being willing to go through with it when the time comes. I just want you to know that you can change your mind."

Darian nodded, conceding that his father had a point. But... The alternative would be to climb back in the wagon, go back home, and try to finish the next four years of school under Schoolmaster Devinter, who already thought he was a troublemaker -- and then join the Imperial Army with no better control or understanding of his shadow than he had now. It sounded like a recipe for disaster.

Aware as always that he was thinking about it, his shadow reached down through his hand and flowed along the handle of his small pack. Darian held himself still, focusing on what it was doing, and felt it touch his extra clothes and the small pouch of coins that his father had added. After a moment it withdrew, leaving the contents of his pack undisturbed. 

Relieved at that, Darian said: "I think that's our answer," and watched his father nod in acceptance. 

"You still have the cards? And your letter?" 

Darian touched the front of his jacket, feeling the small wooden case in the inner pocket. "I've got them." He'd checked them at least three times before they left home, twice on the road, and once again when they'd arrived here at the airfield of Urngardt, but it was still a relief to find them where he expected. 

"Good." His father hesitated, then bent down and hugged him. Darian released his pack long enough to return the gesture. "Take care of yourself, Darian. Learn everything you can. Make good friends."

Darian clenched him tighter for a moment, then let go. "I'll let you know when I get there. Is... Is Mom going to be all right?" 

His father drew back a little, looking thoughtful. "Your mother is wrestling with some things that... don't really involve you. She'll be fine, and better once she knows you're well and happy." 

"I'd better get going, then." Darian shouldered his pack, made a vague gesture that was almost a wave, and then started across the field. 

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