Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Challenge: Things I Wish I Were Better At

This is part of the weekly Blogging Challenge over at Long and Short Reviews. If you'd like to participate, you can find the prompts here. They also put up a post every Wednesday where you go and link your response -- and see everyone else's. Check out their homepage to find it.

The challenge for this week is "things I wish I were better at."

And of course, the first answer that leaps to mind is, "EVERYTHING." I mean, who wouldn't want to be some sort of genius polymath capable of building their own Iron Man suits in the garage while composing songs that would touch hearts for centuries to come in dozens of languages?

But right now, if I had to pick one thing? It would be going to bed at a sensible time. It makes everything else (including me) work so much better, and I am soooooo bad at it.

I think it's mainly because the only time I really get to myself is after about 9:30, when the boys are usually in bed and the house is relatively quiet. That used to be the time when I got things done. Nowadays, I use that time to recharge, or I try to anyway. (Last night I got on Twitter, and boy howdy was that a mistake in terms of having a stress-free evening. But I did get some writing done later, so I guess it wasn't a total loss. Except now I'm still tired, which is the thing I was trying to avoid in the first place, and also the reason why it took me so long to gear up and do writing.)

It seems a little silly, doesn't it? But I do everything so much better when I'm rested.


  1. Your answer makes a lot of sense to me!

    1. Thanks! I'm going to add the link and then go look at other people's answers this evening.

  2. I have enough of a hard time making a sandwich. I'm pretty sure no one wants me to try an Iron Man suit. But I get the point. I wish i were better at a lot of things. :-)

    1. I would love to be able to Do All The Things!

  3. I know an author who built a remarkably authentic Iron Man suit for his 9 y.o. son to wear to a local Comicon. Amazing stuff.

    And sleep... ah, sleep... literally the stuff of dreams. I haven't had a solid night's sleep in probably 20 years. Good luck to you!

    1. The stuff that gets put together for cons is just amazing.

  4. My problem isn't going to sleep, it's staying that way. Even with a c-pap I wake up in the middle of the night. Being retired I get to take a nap in the afternoon to make up what was lost in the night.

    1. I'm using a c-pap too, and once I get to sleep I generally stay that way; it's the whole climb-into-bed-and-lie-still part that I apparently can't master.

  5. I added to my mental list with each blog I visited, but you've made it easy with the all inclusive everything.

    Getting enough quality sleep is a great goal.

    1. Yes, I found myself doing that too.

    2. All the things we didn't know we wish we were better at until another blogger pointed out their own. So interesting!

  6. Oh my gravy! Right there with you on the bedtime at a decent hour. Ever since hubby retired from the military it's like we think we're eighteen again and capable of staying up past ten. Uh...not so much! Thanks for sharing today!

  7. Not silly at all, Michael. I remember those days (long ago) around 9pm and wanting some time for me. Kids were in bed, house put in semi-order, lunches made for the next day, etc. I used to stay up far too late, especially when my alarm was set for 4:30am. Yet I look back on these days fondly. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Getting on Twitter at ANY time of the day at the moment is not good for stress levels, Michael!

  9. I'm a terrible sleeper, but I usually get tired quite early. It's staying asleep I have trouble with.

    1. ...Posted at 2:01 a.m. I see, just in case there were any doubt.


Feel free to leave comments; it lets me know that people are actually reading my blog. Interesting tangents and topic drift just add flavor. Linking to your own stuff is fine, as long as it's at least loosely relevant. Be civil, and have fun!