Friday, August 11, 2023

Return and Collapse

So I've been away at a software conference all week, which has been both educational and stressful. Naturally, we've had some ongoing issues with another piece of software while I was away, and also school started, and also I missed the tour of our new office space. I'm sure it's possible for that conference to have been scheduled for a more inconvenient time, but it's difficult to see how. 

Nevertheless: a lot of good information, several things to follow up on (in my copious free time), and a relatively trouble-free bit of travel to and from. I even managed to participate in the weekly D&D game; the Internet is truly a thing of beauty. 

Today, of course, I'm exhausted and not good for much of anything. I have a work project that I need to look at again, but I think it's going to have to wait until next week; I don't have the brain for it right now. 

Meanwhile I'm reading L.J. Smith's The Forbidden Game trilogy, which I can best describe as a YA horror take on Jumanji with hints of Labyrinth here and there. It's amazing, not only for the writing and characterization but also for the sheer amount of fucked-up shit that the story just leans into. These books go hard, as the kids say these days. (I think. Maybe. I don't actually know what the kids say these days.) Anyway, would definitely recommend if YA horror is your thing.

How are the rest of you holding up, Dear Readers?

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