Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Challenge: Loving Weird Things

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: The Weirdest Thing I Loved As A Child.

This is another one of those prompts where I -- and I suspect it won't be just me -- immediately start second-guessing my answers, because weird is relative. 

French fries, for example. As a child, I really enjoyed eating my Long John Silver's french fries with sugar on them instead of salt. Not McDonald's fries, or (shudder) Burger King fries. Nope. Just Long John Silver's fries. But... my brother loved that too. So maybe it was normal? 

But here's the thing: I grew up mostly in the 1980s. And 1980s children's cartoons were truly, deeply weird. And I loved it. By the time I hit my teens I was deep into reading horror novels, but before that... well... 

Let me introduce you to a cartoon show (and its associated toy line) that I loved: 

How weird was it? You might wonder. Well... it included things like this: 

It was Cosmic Horror for grade-schoolers, and I adored it. I would love to see this one given a more modern reboot... or a new franchise with a similar concept. How about you?


  1. Oh, I remeber those guys! The 80s and 90s produced some great cartoons. Personally, I loved The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Sharky and George.

  2. I’d never heard of this cartoon before. It sounds interesting, though.

    1. It didn't have a very long run, but it was fairly mainstream Saturday morning broadcast TV.

  3. No Long John Silver's in my area -- were their fries THAT different?

    1. Seemed that way at the time. They went well with sugar; McDonald's and etc. went better with salt.

  4. My grandkids eat fries with ranch dressing.

    1. Okay, now *that's* kind of weird! (Kidding, kidding...)

  5. Seeing how weird this cartoon is, I'm guessing this is from the 80s.

  6. Transformers, Thunder Cats, He-Man and She-Ra, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...were any of those cartoons ever meant to be funny?

    1. I mean, they had their moments, but no: mostly they were meant to sell toys. Possibly also to be morally edifying, though I don't think they did especially well at that. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was at least meant to be silly, but not the way the old Road Runner cartoons were, for example.


Feel free to leave comments; it lets me know that people are actually reading my blog. Interesting tangents and topic drift just add flavor. Linking to your own stuff is fine, as long as it's at least loosely relevant. Be civil, and have fun!