Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Challenge: Three Fun Facts

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: Three Fun Facts About Myself.

Well, for starters, I've never broken a bone -- and this despite a brilliantly misspent youth that involved a lot of climbing. I do kind of feel like it's tempting fate to say so at my age, though: the gods might take it as a challenge. Still, for as long as it's lasts I'm happy to have it. 

Second, well... I talk to electronics: computers, credit card consoles, street lights, my car... I feel like they generally respond well to encouragement. And even if that's not really true, it passes the time while I'm waiting to see if {the update is going to succeed/the charge is going to go through/the light is going to turn green/I'm going to make it to gas station before I hit Empty}...

And finally, I have a tendency to collect things. Some are things I use, while others are more... whimsical. Romantic. Frivolous. Some examples: 

  • Swords. I used to justify them by the fact that I was studying martial arts and writing Fantasy stories, but the first one isn't really true anymore and the second one more aspirational than regularly practiced. 
  • Ceramic mugs. These, on the other hand, are both enjoyable and practical. I served Beautiful Wife a cup of tea in a mug shaped like an octopus this morning, and it did a fine job of simultaneously holding the tea and charming my wife.
  • Dungeons & Dragons figurines: we use these when playing the game, of course, but also I just enjoy looking at them. Fires the imagination...
  • Books. Duh. 
  • Tarot decks. This was actually inspired by the current Dark Fantasy writing project, and I do sometimes use them for inspiration when I'm stuck in my writing, but like the D&D figures there's just an element of "I like to sort through an interesting deck and let the images tickle my brain."

There is a point at which collections start to exceed available space, which is why the Imaginext toys were occupying my desk at work. That one also started out as a project back around 2016-2017, but even trying to do it as simply as possible it was just too much to keep up with. And we did get rid of a lot of it, I just haven't managed to bring myself to get rid of the rest... even after the office caught fire and I had to move them back home in a box.


Anyway, very much looking forward to reading everyone else's fun facts about themselves. And if you aren't taking part in the challenge, feel free to drop your own answer in the comments. Or just wave and say Hi. Whatever tickles your fancy, really.


  1. Good for you for never breaking a bone! I hope you continue that streak.

    You have some cool collections there.

    I collect socks that have rabbits and rabbit-related stuff woven into their patterns. Every Christmas “Santa” brings me another pair or two of them. :D


  2. Try to keep your bones intact, breaking one is painful. I collect a lot of books too.

    1. That is very high on my list of personal goals, I promise.

  3. Michael, there's nothing wrong with offering electronics some encouragement. I do that, too. When the laptop/phone/streetlight doesnt work, there's nothing wrong with telling them off, either 🤣. I also used to collect mugs, but was forced to stop when I ran out of places to store them.

    1. It really does make them feel better, I swear! And yeah, any collection can get out of hand...

  4. Oooh I do love a good collection - what tarot decks do you have? I've got about 6 or 7 different ones and love finding new ones that speak to me.

    1. Let's see... I try to find things that aren't the standard Rider-Waite deck, or things that take that deck in interesting artistic directions. So I have The Compleat Windrow Ravenswood Deck, the ShadowMyths Story Deck (decks, actually, as there are several with different themes), the Spirits and Oracles Shadow Deck, The Chromatic Fates Tarot, The Tarot of the Divine, The Adventurer's Tarot Empress Deck, The Corrupted Tarot, the Haunted Cats deck, the Red Thread deck, and the Arcane Bullshit deck (a personal, if somewhat decadent, favorite). I used to have an Arthurian themed one a long time ago, but I have no idea where that got off to.

    2. (This also reminds me of a joke: why should you always show up for a reading on foot instead of horseback? Because they're happy to take walk-ins, but they make the rider wait.)

  5. I've also never broken a bone, and hope to maintain that record.


Feel free to leave comments; it lets me know that people are actually reading my blog. Interesting tangents and topic drift just add flavor. Linking to your own stuff is fine, as long as it's at least loosely relevant. Be civil, and have fun!