Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Challenge: Job I'd be good at

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: A job that I'd be good at.

There was a time when I would have said, "Anything physical." I used to be very athletic, and the idea of becoming a firefighter or part of a rescue service for our national parks seemed like a perfectly realistic possibility. Twenty years in Information Technology, and particular the last five years or so, has pretty well put paid to that notion: I am not in anything like that kind of shape anymore. 

I'd like to get back there, but then I'd like a lot of things.

So realistically, right now, I'd probably be good at anything to do with words and writing and like that. Technical writing, for example, if that was a skill that anybody in any kind of management position actually valued. I might make a reasonably successful author, except that between the full time job and being a parent I really haven't had time or energy until just recently. So maybe, but first I'd have to pull something together that I actually can publish. 

Game design seems like a reasonable possibility; I've played a lot of games over the years, and -- for tabletop roleplaying games in particular -- I'd have a lot of fun writing flavor text. 

Beyond that... I don't know. I could be professionally decadent -- I'd be really good at that one -- if that were a career possibility. And I still like to think that I'd be good at solving supernatural mysteries, with or without a talking dog to help me. Wizardry? I mean, I've got good pattern recognition and troubleshooting skills, so maybe. I don't think I could ever go full-on Dark Lord of Evil Evilness, but I could wander around in robes and try to figure out the cheat codes for the Universe that would let me do otherwise-impossible things.

What about you? What would you be good at?


  1. Yes, I could totally see you as a game designer or technical writer.

    If only we authors were better paid and respected! :)


  2. It can totally see you solving supernatural mysteries with your very own Scooby... I mean, why not? 😀😀

    1. It's really the van that would be hard to come up with.

  3. I agree with Lydia... we need to find a way to get paid for doing what we love to do. Oh... I have Goddess Fish and I get to talk to authors all the time, so I guess I do :-)

  4. Game design ought to be fun, anyway. (Once upon a time, before computers, I remember being told and reminded never to tell anyone that my siblings and I used to make up stories by acting them out as games.)


Feel free to leave comments; it lets me know that people are actually reading my blog. Interesting tangents and topic drift just add flavor. Linking to your own stuff is fine, as long as it's at least loosely relevant. Be civil, and have fun!