Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Challenge: Fashion Sense

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: Describe your fashion sense.

My fashion sense: 

I am a grownup with a professional job and I promise that I absolutely do not dress in all black all the time. 

Sometimes I wear gray, too. 

Okay, no, not really. All kidding aside, though...

Over the years, my fashion sense has been warped by the necessities of having to, you know, remain employed and so I actually own quite a bit of business casual clothing, some of it rather colorful. This is so that it contrasts against the black slacks. Or black cargo pants, now that the Pandemic has made Business Casual even more casual than it used to be. And definitely black shoes or boots. But in general, my fashion sense runs to plain, dark colors, most of which are black. 

I dress like an extra from The Matrix.

I own some plain black t-shirts. You can tell, because they have the words "plain black shirt" printed in black on the front, and also because they're black t-shirts. And I do own some light-colored shirts, because this is Texas and some days the sun will simply try to murder you if you go outside in a black shirt of any kind. But as a general thing, give me loose-fitting black clothing with plenty of pockets and I'm good to go.


  1. I get that! Black is adaptable. There's a reason all of my socks and an increasing percentage of my undershirts are black.

    1. Yeah, even if it isn't the only thing you wear it's such a nice, strong base color.

  2. Bought a black car and started color coordinating. It's not as bad in the sun as I thought it would be.

    1. Car color depends a lot on where you live and what sort of parking is available, too.

  3. It's all about comfort, Michael. As long as you're comfortable what else matters? Also, black goes with everything - even black. 🙂🙂

  4. There’s something to be said for plain, dark colours in a wardrobe!

    1. It's ridiculously easy to coordinate, at least.

  5. Yes. Also lolz. I needed that giggle! Thanks!

  6. Oh my that a lot of black. Do you wear a very very dark grey as well?

    1. I know this may come as a great shock, but I do!

  7. As long as you have pockets. Lots and lots of pockets.

  8. You're definitely part of the trend...bloggers dress for comfort!


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