Monday, April 17, 2023

Writing and More Writing

Have I mentioned recently that I've been participating in Friday Night Writes? I might have mentioned it. At least once. 

The timing is a little odd -- and it perhaps helps that I only have a social life at certain odd points in the week -- but it works for me and it's allowed me to get some solid writing done. In fact, I really need to do more of this: set some other times during the week to be dedicated writing time. 

That said, exhaustion is still an issue. It's the end of the week -- usually a long week, lately -- and that isn't a time that generally lends itself to having a lot of energy to concentrate. So this week, I figured that even if I didn't make any real progress on the Dark Fantasy story, I could work on some supporting material, specifically a bestiary to look at when I need to threaten my characters. I don't want the usual sorts of vampires and werewolves and whatnot, so having a list of other sorts of beasts to deal with will be helpful...

And apparently that did the trick, because I was about five beasties in when my brain kicked over and I went back to the story. So the second half of the first writing session and both the following sessions were Dark Fantasy, plus I now have nine monsters/categories of monster to menace my characters with. Doubtless I'll add others as I go along. 

Then, on Saturday, I sat down with some thoughts and drew up the central pantheon for the D&D campaign I'm running for Secondborn and his friends. (The one for Firstborn and his friends has, unfortunately, fallen victim to the vicissitudes of Junior Year and is probably permanently defunct.) This will probably become the default for my campaigns, and it definitely needs to be fleshed out further. Still, the core pantheon of the High Gods is there, and I can fill other lesser/later gods later. I've also established the relationship between the High Gods and certain other entities, like Hadar, that the High Gods defeated and destroyed or locked away during the Dawn War. 

Somewhere in there, I also wrote a short scene for the D&D campaign I'm playing in, featuring my favorite True Elf, Ruin, and his king, Mythrandril.

Sunday was devoted to running laundry and playing Hades, which has certainly stimulated my thinking on the topics of divinity and pantheons. This blog post was pretty much the whole extent of Sunday's writing.

Hopefully I can put in another hour or two of devoted writing time tonight (Monday night, when you're reading this, not Sunday night when I'm writing it) and get my characters another step or two closer to their destinies. 

Onwards and upwards! Nothing but good times ahead...

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