Monday, April 10, 2023

Ugh. Monday.

I'm taking the car into the shop and the house is a wreck as the boys finish up a four-day weekend, so I just took today off. Which, I think I desperately needed -- turns out I'm tired. That sort of tired: the kind of tired where, when I finally slow down, my whole system just wants to collapse. So, a lot of sleep Saturday night and last night, and this morning to try to deal with all the Not Work crises. 

(Yes, "crises" plural. Troubles may walk single file to hide their numbers, but they never come alone. Firstborn is very probably sick -- either that or his allergies are very bad right now -- but he isn't running a fever so I probably can't keep him home from school tomorrow; fortunately, he masks. And the back toilet -- but not the front one -- seems to have a partial clog, which means whatever it is, it's in a very specific stretch of pipe and it's almost, but not quite, closing off the pipe entirely. So I may be calling a plumber, or just borrowing/renting one of those metal snakes. Plus there's laundry to sort, dishes to run, and counters to be cleaned so that they look less like a demilitarized zone.)

This is not an auspicious start to the week.

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