Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Challenge: My Favorite Indulgence

For the last two years, I've been taking part in the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge over at Long and Short Reviews. The first link will take you to the list of topics; the second one goes to the homepage, where you can find a post with everyone's responses each week. Feel free to join in! 

Today's prompt is "my favorite indulgence."

Free time. It's free time. It's taking any sort of time for myself, whether that's for writing, or resting, or reading, or just taking a walk outside. 

I'm at the point in my life where taking time for myself -- nor matter how necessary, or overdue, or worthwhile -- is an indulgence. I'm not sure whether that's an indictment of myself, or my lifestyle, or late-stage Capitalism, or what, but there it is. 

That seems... over-dramatic, and maybe I'll feel differently about it next week; but we've hit the point where I'm trying to keep the household functioning while Beautiful Wife finishes her semester and mourns her father, and Secondborn is taking standardized tests -- in person, at his school -- and everyone still needs to, y'know, eat dinner, and have clean clothes, and also I still have a job which needs me to apply security to websites and update credit card endpoints and... yeah. It's a lot, and it seems like an awful damned lot of effort just to keep us running in place instead of falling behind. 

Forgive me; I feel like I'm being self-indulgent. But free time is valuable, and necessary, and a wonderful thing. It shouldn't feel like an indulgence, but it does.


  1. You're in such a busy stage of life right now.

    I hope you'll be able to have more free time soon.

    1. It's very much this time of year, but also it's like... carry-over from last year and 2021 bringing some special horrors of its own. We're doing okay ourselves, it's just... a lot.

  2. Hey, samesies.... I hope you're able to get your downtime soon. It's necessary for good mental health.

    1. I'm sort of hammering it into the cracks between other things, it's just that right now we have so much in the way of other things that it feels like... well... an indulgence.

  3. We know what you mean... especially Marianne!!

    1. I hope everything eases up and gives you (both) some free time, too.


Feel free to leave comments; it lets me know that people are actually reading my blog. Interesting tangents and topic drift just add flavor. Linking to your own stuff is fine, as long as it's at least loosely relevant. Be civil, and have fun!