Monday, November 30, 2020

Music: Prisencolinensinainciusol

 No, don't try to pronounce it. I haven't a clue. The song is Prisencolinensinainciusol, composed by Italian musician/songwriter/actor Adriano Celentano and released in 1972. It's a nonsense song, meant to imitate the sounds of spoken English with an American accent, as a sort of joke and experiment. The fact that it became one of his best-selling songs is (to my mind) just another part of the joke.

And on top of everything else, there's a video. The version below is the best I could find on YouTube, but you can see the thing pretty much in its entirety and without the weird sparkly bits around the edges here on Facebook.


  1. Wow, is it just me or is this popping up everywhere? BTW, different video with color:

    1. It may very well be popping up everywhere; I ran into it on Twitter a week ago.

      The color video, as I understand it, is the 20th Anniversary video -- though I think the dark-haired woman with the harmonica is also the Debbie Harry blonde in the older black-and-white version, who is/was Adriano Celentano's wife.

      (There are also a surprising number of covers of it, including one that appears to be his/their daughter.)

  2. I thought when reading the title, “is Michael just making up words?” 😂😂

    1. It wasn't me! But, um, otherwise basically yes. As far as I can tell, the song came directly from the claim that "Italians will buy any sort of American Rock'n'Roll!" ...Even if it isn't American, or even in English really.


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