Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Challenge: Fictional Recipes

This is part of the weekly Blogging Challenge over at Long and Short Reviews. If you'd like to participate, you can find the prompts here. They also put up a post every Wednesday where you go and link your response -- and see everyone else's. Check out their homepage to find it.

The challenge for this week is "recipes from fiction books that I want to try". 

Which... by and large, I don't really have. The books I read mostly don't include recipes, and I'm generally pretty happy with the things I cook. 

But while there aren't any particular recipes that I want to try, there are... well... foods. Unearthly foods. Supernatural foods. 

You see, if the seely and unseely Fae are battling through human proxies over control of Minneapolis-St. Paul, and the Vampire Lord of Chicago is concerned with a potential uprising of his subjects, while the local Shifter pack in Nashville helps keep the unknowing citizens safe from harm and Jill Kismet is guarding the city of Santa Luz from the hellbreed, well... 

...Somebody has to cater their get-togethers, right? Somebody has to provide food for beings of unpredictable, varying, and sometimes contradictory tastes. And that's where Sin Du Jour comes in. They're a small catering company, handling all the sorts of food that nobody in their right mind would touch. 

It's a really fun (if sometimes dark) series of books. And I have to admit, I do wonder what sauteed angel flesh would taste like... and why that one chain of fast-food chicken restaurants tastes almost exactly the same...


  1. Roast Angel flesh, that's a good one for those who like vampire books.

  2. That's a good point. What do they eat? Who makes those meals? I hadn't thought of that. Good one.

  3. I love that concept... someone was very smart and just a little twisted. Love it!!

  4. You have a good point. but Angel Flesh, Killian Dugan from An Angel's Unintentional Entanglement would object. LOL. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine.

  5. What a conundrum!And if half of the guests want to eat the other half of the guests, what's a good host/hostess to do? Either way, half of the guests won't be happy. Snicker. Thanks for the smiles. Happy Thanksgiving.


Feel free to leave comments; it lets me know that people are actually reading my blog. Interesting tangents and topic drift just add flavor. Linking to your own stuff is fine, as long as it's at least loosely relevant. Be civil, and have fun!