Monday, August 27, 2018

New Campaign, New Enemies

So we picked up with the D'n'D game again last week. It's been pretty memorable so far. I mean, there was the opening battle, in which we defeated a bunch of barbarian raiders by basically failing to die the way the obviously expected us to.

Then there was the time we tried to infiltrate a bandit camp, and wound up being questioned at the top of the central guard tower... and promptly threw the bandit leader off the tower, hauled up the ladder so nobody else could get up, and drove the bandits out of their own outpost with little more than archery and attitude. That was the same episode where we rescued the colonel in charge of our fort and carried him back on top of a wagon loaded with treasure, so we came out looking pretty good there.

The episode before last, we basically cleared out a haunted cave (with teamwork, yet!) and killed the barbarian raiders who were using it as a base, and captured the second ancient book that we'd been seeking. That went about as well as you could expect, with the barbarian leader getting tripped by our fighter and basically kept prone while we beat her down.

Then, of course, there was our last session, when we encountered a wee little baby blue dragon and very nearly all died.

Yeah. Dragons are tough. Even the teensy cute ones.


  1. Your D&D posts are quickly becoming my favourite kind of post from you. Glad you're having such a good time teaching your kids how to play.

    1. I'm pretty sure this is the game our host playing in himself, not the one he's DMing for his kids (and wife). I almost said "GMing" which only goes to show how much I've played RPGs that aren't D&D.

    2. Rhoadan is correct. The game I'm running for the boys is much more erratic, and involves a lot more goblins. This one is being run by a friend, and is going a long way towards keeping me sane right now.

  2. Regardless, though, I'm glad you're enjoying these. I'm enjoying them, too!


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