Monday, August 20, 2018

Achievement Unlocked: First Week of School

So the boys have finished their first week of school (and if it seems like that's starting hellishly early in the year, well, it is) and so far they're doing pretty well. We've managed to keep them on a pretty regular schedule (sleep, meals, etc.) and we're trying to get exercise, and while this semester's schedules have us dropping the boys off relatively early, they're handling that pretty well, too.

That intervening week between the last week of summer camps and the first week of school, though... Well, basically because of this:
School: "Every family in our district has a stay-at-home parent, so if we schedule the classroom walkthrough and locker-opening practice for a weekday morning it won't be a problem."

The rest of us: "Ha-ha-ha-WHAT?"
So, I don't know. It was stressful, but we got through it with a minimum of drama - partly, I think, because I took the first three days of school off from work, just to make sure I wasn't panicking while we worked out the timing. And the time off seems to have done me some good in other ways, though frankly I feel like I could have used more of it. I finished outlining a story I'm planning to write, though I'm not sure how well my new plan of writing first thing in the morning is going to work. On the other hand, I can hardly be finishing fewer things than I was already, so there's that.

We're still getting things squeezed into place; we'll see how it goes. Hope the rest of you are doing well and not too overwhelmed by all the things that you have to keep in motion. Being an adult is hard.


  1. I'm glad it went well, but it's bizarre to assume that every family has a stay-at-home parent (or two parents, for that matter!).

    1. I know, right? I'm assuming it's basically that the folks who can manage to be active in the PTA and like that are, well, all stay-at-home parents.


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