"Holy shit, Ben," Maria said, plopping down on the bench beside him. "I had no idea you could do that."
"Oh hey Maria," he said, looking up from his phone. "Yeah, I don't talk about it much."
Ben was lean and medium-tall, with black hair and golden-brown skin. His smile showed a double row of even white teeth, and he was grinning broadly now at her surprise.
"Why not?" she asked. "I mean, with an ability like that you could easily be on one of the teams."
"You should know about that," he said. "But all right, I'll tell you: it's because when I do that, when I surround myself with rocks like that, it gets... sticky, you know? Like, the longer the rocks are there, the more they want to stay. And I don't want to be Rock Guy. I like sleeping in a normal bed. So I only use it for short periods. Fine for being part of your practice, but if joined a team I might have to keep it on for too long. Or I'd be turning it back off before it was safe."
"Oh," said Maria, taking a moment to digest that. "Well that makes sense."
"Yeah. They asked, but... naw. No teams for me."
"Well it was still a damned cool power," Maria told him.
"Thanks. You'll probably see it again. They like to pull me in for these."
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