Thursday, February 6, 2025

Den of Thieves: Strategies

"I found them," Faldor said, as he came in the door.

"Hush," said his wife Eloida, though she tempered the word by turning a fond smile in his direction. "The baby's almost down." She went back to the soft stream of soothing words, and Faldor smiled, momentarily distracted by the sight of their daughter Aniora. 

She was getting too big for her basket; pretty soon they'd have to get her a real bed. There was room beside their own bed; it wouldn't be too much of a burden. And they could afford it; Talons Mirrak was still using him as a runner, and while some of his freelance jobs had dried up others seemed to come in from people who wanted to hear about what had happened to him. Cedric had even arranged for him to speak with the other, younger runners -- four different groups of them now -- to explain how it had been done and talk about what to watch for.

The Mist Eyes had stood by him, and if he could get information on this new crew to Cedric Bloodblade, he would. 

Aniora's breathing deepened and became more regular, and after a few more minutes Eloida let her singing grow softer until it finally trailed off. Then she stood, and gestured towards the door back to the main room; Faldor nodded and slipped out, quick and silent. Eloida followed, and eased the door closed behind them. 

"Now then," she said quietly. "What was that? You found them?"

"I found them."

"The ones who robbed you?"

"They were at Bilk's place, dealing with a bunch of kids. I managed to follow them, but they saw me and I had to drop back. They were on one of the main spokes, though: mid-city east. Had some of the local kids with 'em, too."

Eloida narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. "You're certain?"

He nodded. "Same voices. And I'd bet money they're the same ones who knocked over the furniture crafter up in Greycloak territory, too."

"That's dangerous," Eloida said slowly. "I need you to be very, very careful. Just because they haven't killed anybody yet, doesn't mean they couldn't. And desperate people do desperate things."

"So," said Faldor, "we have to make sure they don't feel desperate until it's too late."

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