Friday, September 27, 2024

Weird Dreams and Life Situations

More weird dreams this week, which is probably a good thing in that it indicates that I'm sleeping deeply and well enough to A) actually dream, and B) remember it afterwards. This is a distinct improvement over the majority of the last few years. (Seriously, if you take a look at the Dreams tag on the blog, you can see it in the way the dates are distributed. I've had several entries since I changed jobs; the last entry before that was back in March of 2023; then it jumps back to December of 2021; and if you keep scrolling down you'll find that I was having -- and blogging -- lots of weird, very narrative dreams right up until about the end of 2016.)

It's nice to have that back, even if the current crop are a bit troubled in tone. 

In the first dream, I (along with some of my friends) was playing D&D in some sort of Dimension 20-ish format, which was naturally complicated by the fact that I've essentially never watched that show. In the dream, we were all comfortably familiar with the D&D elements, but there were some cues and codes for the show format that none of us knew at all. Which... yeah, been feeling that way in real life a lot lately, so it's pretty understandable that my brain would reproduce that mood in a dream. 

The second dream involved being on a farm road sort of... facing off with a couple of truck drivers who were being pugnacious and recalcitrant about sharing the road. At one point they actually sort of drove over us -- not, like, to crush our care but so that the top of our roof was scraping across the underside of their flatbed. I wound up trying to chase them down and get a photo of their license plate so I could report them. But again, the general mood here was just that experience of getting run over like that, not endangered but just hugely stressful and a lot going on. I blame it on the latter half of 2024 just being a lot, and my brain maybe acknowledging some uncertainty about how to navigate it all. 

How about you? What's the weirdest dream that you've had lately?

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