Monday, November 28, 2022

Rested? Is this what rest feels like?

So we had a very nice, solidly low-key Thanksgiving, and I made it a point to sleep a lot, and honestly I'm feeling a lot better for it. Which is good, because I was starting to feel pretty run-down, and this week is going to be extremely busy. Plus, the more energy I have in general, the more energy I have for writing -- and the better my writing is, too. 

The boys have spent their week off doing their best to be completely nocturnal, but with any luck by the time this posts I'll have dragged them back onto a schedule. Probably. Hopefully. 

And, of course, once the first of the year rolls around I'll be eligible for retirement. I need to review the details of how that works -- it might, for example, be advantageous to hold off a bit longer, or to change jobs without "retiring" as such -- but I've signed up for an online seminar that HR is hosting that should go over that stuff. And while work has been pathetically, ridiculously, embarrassingly slow about it, they do seem to be moving forward on reclassifying my position to something that at least vaguely resembles my actual job.

I can't believe we're coming into December already; I can't believe the degree to which each of the last four years has been its own special kind of Hell. It seems like a few things, at least, are finally looking up a little, so I guess we just keep the faith and do what we have to do. Hardly a ringing endorsement, but that's the best I've got.


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