Thursday, December 26, 2024

Faculty: Monk

Name: Sarah Leslie Brigham
Codename: Monk
Age: 31
Appearance: 5' with red hair, pale skin, freckles, green eyes, and a compact, muscular build.
Job: Physical Education, First Aid, martial arts

Though nominally the school's Physical Education teacher, Ms. Brigham's primary role at the school is training students in melee combat, both armed and unarmed. She also teaches basic health and first aid, and her PE classes cover a wide variety of activities, including the basics of various sports, ropes courses, parkour, rock climbing, and yoga. She is encouraging with students who aren't naturally athletic, and has helped a lot of students who always thought they hated PE to get in shape. She also knows how to challenge more athletic, experienced students -- and she's always ready to cheer on her students' accomplishments, physical and academic alike. 

She was initially recruited by the Wonder Women after briefly going viral for fighting through a half-dozen fraternity brothers to prevent a sexual assault at a party, but they parted ways when she found that their idea of how to protect women included preemptive assault. Saint-Vincent found her shortly after that, helped her finish her degree, and recruited her to teach at the school he was founding. 

As Monk, Ms. Brigham is both physically adept -- strong, tough, and gifted with ungodly reflex speeds and the ability to learn physical skills almost at will -- and capable of delivering other effects through a combination of physical and mental techniques: she can paralyze or stun with a blow, absorb the damage from attacks, and heal with a touch. She has no ranged powers, so she's leaned in on learning close combat instead; fortunately, that's exactly the area in which she excels. She knows how to use weapons but generally disdains them; she can do more with a touch than she can with a blade, and sees guns as an easy way to kill people that you weren't actually trying to hurt.

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