Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Blogging Challenge: Staycations

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews. I have not been following along as reliably this year as I did in previous years, but I'm still participating! Mostly.)

Prompt: How I Feel About Staycations

I love them. 

Seriously, travel can be stressful and expensive and exhausting. Don't get me wrong, it can also be enormous fun. But a staycation is low-key, easy, actually cheaper in some ways than going to work[1], and frequently feels like the only time I really get caught up on things around the house. Sometimes they feel like the only time I get caught up on sleep, too. 

On the other hand, the last two times I've tried to take a few days off for my birthday (a short but very definite staycation) we've had ice storms and the boys have been stuck at home.[2] That part didn't go so well; "quiet and relaxed" for me generally means having the house more or less to myself.

But as a general thing? I love staycations. I would be the perfect retiree. I would literally just, y'know, start cleaning and getting back to my hobbies.

[1] That would be less true if I packed lunch more often. 

[2] Not that they saw it that way. Not at all.


  1. I hope you get to have a true staycation soon!

  2. Oh man, that sounds kind of like mother's day and birthdays when you're a stay at home mom. In short, just another Monday! I also think I'd be a great retiree. I like being alone, I like having time to lose myself in hobbies and I like not having to talk to anyone I'm not related to for an entire day if I want to. It's heavan!

  3. Michael, we share the same idea of "quiet and relaxed". Ice storms don't sound great.

  4. Hopefully you at least kept power. Stuck at home with no power in the winter is definitely no vacation of any sort.


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