Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Challenge: Interesting Story

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews. I have not been following along as reliably this year as I did in previous years, but I'm still participating! Mostly.)

Prompt: An interesting story about family or friends

Oh dear ye immortal gods, I have so many... 

All right, so:

I'm in my senior year of college. I'm rooming with one of my best friends. He's... I don't know how to describe him in a way that lives up to just how him he really was. He was quirky, incredibly smart, and a lot of fun; his sense of humor was both hilarious and surreal. He was one of those friends where we simultaneously got each other, and could still surprise each other. 

We'd gotten to know each other because I'd decided to run a roleplaying game based on Clive Barker's Cabal (later made into the movie Nightbreed, and expanded into a line of comics). Rather than the typical RPG setup, where the characters were human or nearly so and fought against monsters in a medieval fantasy setting, this would be a game where the characters were monsters trying to survive in the modern, human-controlled world where they were the last remnants of magic, myth, and legend. 

The group came up with some amazing character concepts. This particular friend decided that his character would be a werewolf -- the sort who tears out of his human skin in a berserk rage, does incredible amounts of damage, and then wakes up with no memory of what just happened. His denial was complete, absolute, and invincible. He spent the entire game thinking that he was on the run with some shady characters who had some weird ideas, while he tried to find out who murdered his wife. When we finally got the characters up to the Pacific Northwest to meet his parents and his own father slipped off his skin and emerged as a beast... he fainted. When he woke up, he didn't remember any of it. 

Anyway, I was rooming with the guy who played that character in a game that I was running -- a game that actually had a bit of an audience, which was unheard-of at the time.

It was very late at night. I forget what exactly we'd been talking about -- egotism and self-image, I think --  and he'd just laughed and said, "Well, you know, you're lucky because I'm the destined savior of the human race." He stood up, crossed the room, and flipped off the light switch. Then he crossed back to our bunk-bed -- he had the lower bunk -- and said, "The funny thing is, sometimes I really believe it."

Then he threw himself down onto his mattress in the dark, and missed by a good six inches.


  1. Oh, ouch! I hope he was okay. But it is kind of funny assuming he wasn’t hurt.

    1. Oh no, he wasn't hurt at all, it was completely funny.

  2. Oops! 🤣 Great post, Michael!

    1. It does kind of explain where we are as a species now...

  3. Ha! Great ending to the story. When I was in graduate school, where we were all studying Greek, Latin, and archaeology, we would play Call of Cthulhu. In the game, our characters would study old texts and dead languages, and dig up artifacts and slowly go insane. Somehow it resonated with us

    1. I love how groups form around shared themes like that.


Feel free to leave comments; it lets me know that people are actually reading my blog. Interesting tangents and topic drift just add flavor. Linking to your own stuff is fine, as long as it's at least loosely relevant. Be civil, and have fun!