Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Challenge: Former Hobbies

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: Hobbies I Used To Enjoy

Martial Arts is the obvious one. And it's not that I don't enjoy it anymore, it's just that I don't do it because I ran out of time and spoons for it shortly after I had kids. As the boys have gotten older, I've gotten more and more of that time back, so it's very possible that this is something that I'll go back to... but we aren't there yet. 

I'm happy enough to have gotten back to writing, and playing D&D, and occasionally camping. 

What about you? What hobbies did you once enjoy? Why did you stop?


  1. I tried karate as a kid, but it didn't develop into a hobby. In fact, it only lasted a few weeks but I've always loved the idea of being proficient in some form of martial arts.

  2. Martial arts is a cool hobby! I can see how it would be too time consuming when you have kids, though.


    1. Yeah, having kids will chew up a *lot* of what used to be free time.

  3. Kids have a way reprioritizing things, but they're worth it.

  4. Hoping you can eventually find the time and energy to get back to this! Kids do have a way of draining you though. Mine are 23 and soon-to-be 22 (tomorrow!) and they still take a lot of my time and energy (which I gladly give, but still).

    1. Yeah, Firstborn is off to college next year, and Secondborn will be entering high school, so we're getting there!

  5. I played D&D (or other RPG) in graduated school. I had a good circle of friends to do it with back then. I haven't done it since, though. I could probably find a group now, but I guess my writing takes up the time instead. -- Greta

    1. It's a lot of fun if you've got a good group to play with.

  6. I tried Tae Kwon Do (sp?) as a child and quit around the time the teacher decided to show off to the single moms by doing jumping knuckle push ups. Too much toxic masculinity for me, before I even knew that was a thing (plus I'm a girl, so I was not impressed). I do think that it's a great thing when done with a good teacher though. I've heard a lot of parents talking about how it has helped their kids who have self esteem and confidence issues, as well as being a good community and form of exercise. Definitely sounds like a great hobby! I'm glad you've been able to start getting back into some of your hobbies, and I'm sure you'll get back to this one at some point!


Feel free to leave comments; it lets me know that people are actually reading my blog. Interesting tangents and topic drift just add flavor. Linking to your own stuff is fine, as long as it's at least loosely relevant. Be civil, and have fun!