Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Challenge: Halloween Costumes

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: The Most Creative Halloween Costume I've Worn

Oh, that is... that is a question. I went as the blob, one year. Picture a chicken-wire frame wrapped in black trash bags, with an extendable tube "pseudopod" that I could reach out and grab candy with. It had a sort of wood frame that rested on my shoulders so I could walk while I was wearing it; I honestly have no idea how my parents (mostly my dad) made it work. (My dad is an engineer, and like all engineers he is both obsessive and slightly deranged.) 

Another year I went as Godzilla. That was a similar design: chickenwire frame, shoulder pads, papier-mache surface that was then spray-painted green. Hang on, I have a picture somewhere...

The smaller dinosaur/kaiju was my younger brother. We collected the candy in the mouths of our costumes. The thing hanging out of my mouth was red yarn that was supposed to be Godzilla's fire breath. And yes, if you look closely, you can see that the costumes extended down to give us tails as well. And I think there might have been flashlights integrated into our snouts but I'm not 100% sure of that anymore.

One year I stayed home and handed out candy to the kids... and airline-sized liquor bottles to the adults. 

I mean honestly, the parents were either indifferent or else so appreciative. So I'm counting that one as a great costume even if the monk's robe is really nothing more than that. 

For the last couple of years I've used that same robe, but with a LED mask that makes animated flames; it's apparently a really spooky effect, though it's hard to tell from my side of the mask. I'm thinking about doing something different this year, though; I have a leather fox mask that I haven't worn in a long while, and a bit of crimson and black outfitting will make for a very convincing Reynardine costume. 

What about the rest of you? What were your most creative costumes?


  1. I love these costumes. So creative!


  2. Excellent costumes. My nephew went as Godzilla one year way back when he was tiny.

  3. Replies
    1. It's enough to make some of the kids do the Doubletake Of Horror, so I was pretty pleased.

  4. Replies
    1. Yeah, my parents were really making an effort there.


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