Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday? Monday. Monday!

Okay, so it's Monday. To recap: 

  • Secondborn starts school tomorrow; today is his orientation. Between my change in jobs and his mother cramming two semesters worth of classes into this semester, he'll be bicycling back and forth most of the time.
  • Firstborn gets dropped off at college next Tuesday; Secondborn will be staying with his grandmother while we're out of town with Firstborn. Meanwhile, we're... trying to get Firstborn to finish packing, and he's busy freaking out instead.
  • Beautiful Wife's classes also start next week. Oh, and her job continues to be a maze of treacherous fuckery, so as difficult as this will be I think she's absolutely right to double up this semester so she can look at other options (while still getting paid) next semester.
  • Our friends are finishing their packing and heading up to Boston this week, so tonight will be the last fully in-person D&D session. This is not the end of the game, but it really does feel like the end of an era.
  • My sleep schedule is an unholy mess, which should be easy enough to fix if everything will just settle down.

So yeah, I think we're all a little bit unhinged at this point. I'm hoping once the week gets moving we'll find a rhythm, but for now I think we just keep putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward as best we can. The new job, at least, is going well -- a few minor technical challenges and some things I haven't done before, but no unreasonable demands or outrages upon my time. This is the beginning of week five, and it will officially be one full month on Thursday.

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