Monday, August 26, 2024

Decisions, part two

"Okay," said Antoinette, standing in the shadow of one of the training buildings. "I'm open to suggestions."

Elyssa touched the amulet that hung between her collar bones, but Chris looked at her and shook his head. "Not here. How well can you climb?"

Elyssa frowned. "Pretty well if you're just asking about climbing, but if you want some kind of parkour... Can you do that?"

Chris considered. "Well enough, I think." 

Antoinette nodded. "I saw you go through those bones. You're not one of the cats, but you can move when you want to."

"I need you to cloak me with look-aways and nothing-to-see charms," Chris said. "I'll make a quick circuit and see what the scents tell me, then catch back up. If you two come in carefully you shouldn't be seen, and you can do your own looking. at ground level. Can you locate magics without triggering them? Like, find where wards are without setting them off?"

"Usually," Antoinette said. "Depends on the wards, of course."

Chris nodded at that. The clock was ticking; they needed to be moving. They also needed to balance that with being careful. "All right. Meet at the far corner in fifteen?"

Antoinette nodded. Then she spoke and gestured, and Chris felt a layer of Grey settle over him. He nodded and turned away, eyeing one of the buildings, then started up the side of it. 

It brought back memories that he didn't want, and for a moment he almost faltered. He knew how to climb fast because one of his friends growing up had been half-outsider and able to climb walls like a spider; racing her up a wall required concentration, precision, and complete commitment. He still lost, of course, but--

No. That was in the past. He held his focus and kept going, until he came out on the rooftop.

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