Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Long Day

It's a long way to Arkansas with all the powers of the cosmos conspiring against you. 

What with one thing and another, we didn't manage to get going until nearly three-thirty in the afternoon, so by the time we got settled in to our hotel room it was 10:30 at night. Admittedly, that actually could have been worse, but... the doctor at the Minute clinic said that the staples in the back of Firstborn's head weren't ready to come out, and suggested that we wait until at least Friday; that was the start of the day. We'd intended to leave much earlier than we did, so our departure was marked by a frenzy of last-minute packing and making sure people had their meds with them... and then, of course we hit traffic, though in fairness we might have hit that if we'd left earlier, too. And the hotel parking lot is overrun with construction vehicles from a nearby project, so I'm actually parked at another hotel next door. 

The nice thing about having a plan is that when it all goes to shit you know exactly what you aren't doing.

Tomorrow morning we pop up, grab breakfast, and get Firstborn moved into his dorm room; we also need to talk to somebody about getting his staples removed. There are some Welcome New Students events, and then we're done -- around four-thirty or five, as I understand it. Not sure yet if we'll drive a bit and then stop for the night, or if I'll drive us all the way back in a fit of Let's Just Get This Over With; we'll see how we're feeling.

My new job, at least, hasn't given me even a hint of trouble about any of this. And I remembered to set my out of office and mark myself as on vacation on the staff board, so that was good. We stopped and had an early dinner at The Cracker Barrel, which was fun; I finally remembered how to solve the little peg-board puzzle. And we all made it intact, which I suppose is really the important part. But Lordy are we all tired. I'm going to have a drink and go to bed; a shower would do me good, but I'm not sure I'm up to it. 

Y'all won't see this until tomorrow morning, but goodnight anyway; I hope you were all sleeping soundly while I was typing it.

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