Friday, October 20, 2023

Dark Armor: Preparations

Pallian approached his father again once the courtiers had somewhat dispersed. "You have a plan, Father?"

The Wizard-King turned to study him, and Pallian held himself expressionless and waited. He focused on his father's expression, his posture... and kept his thoughts quiet. Counselor Barias was still here somewhere, and there were thoughts in Pallian's mind that the counselor should not overhear. His father looked thoughtful, not suspicious and not hostile, though Pallian knew better than to consider that any sort of safety. 

"I do," his father said at last. "I will discuss it with Ravaj and my counselors. You will return to the crypt and make ready for battle; when we confront the emissary, you will wear the armor."

"The House of Edrias will realize that it's me," Pallian pointed out, though he agreed that the Black Knight would be critical to their victory. 

"It won't matter," his father promised. "It must be done, and we might even learn the true identity of the Shadow of Edrias. And if you carry yourself well, I may take you into my counsels."

Pallian nodded. "I will come when you call, as always."

"Be sure that you do," his father replied, and turned away. 

That stung, but Pallian turned and departed as if it were nothing more than he was used to, which it was. He knew the way to the Hall of Greeting, and he knew that one of the glyphs in there would take him back to the crypt. 

It was almost a relief.

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