Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Challenge: Create A Holiday

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: If you could create a holiday, what would it be?

This... I... I really don't know. I mean, Halloween already exists; so does National Talk Like A Pirate Day, even if I'm the only one in the office who celebrates it. 

But, well, all right... let's set the thing near the end of February, maybe exactly at the end of February where we're just coming out of the long dark of winter and also incorporate Leap Year into the equation. It'll therefore be a moveable feast, but only once every four years. And we'll celebrate geekery: whatever particular hobby or passion occupies your time and consumes your attention. 

Festivus Geekiatum is a day to indulge your favorite interests. Work on that knitting project, watch that anime, re-read that favorite book, perform in -- or attend -- that one play. Reconnect with your hobbies, re-engage your interests, work on your projects. Do it alone, or do it together -- write-alongs are a valid form of celebration. So are hootenannies, or flash mobs. Rediscover something that gives you joy, and do it for as long as you enjoy it! Then go do something else you like! Cook for friends, or practice languages, or set up a campfire and tell stories. Costumes are optional, but welcome.

Indulge yourself, and do the things that make you happy.

That's the holiday I want for people.

(I mean, no, not really. That's the everyday I want for people. But I'll take what I can get.)


  1. This sounds like such a good idea! People should do more of what they love. I'm fully on board.

  2. What a great idea.

    I’m very tempted to actually do this in February! :) If I do, I’ll blog about it.


    1. Sounds like fun. Maybe we could get it recognized informally...


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