Monday, March 11, 2019

Spring Break

The boys have begun their Spring Break, and I'm not entirely sure we're going to survive it. I'm not sure of this because I'm still working, and Beautiful Wife is still teaching. (Her spring break is next week.)

So the boys will spend a week being supervised by their mother (when she's home and not, say, entering midterm grades), their grandparents (when they're available), and bro-sitting (when nothing else is available). Plus, a week off from school is the perfect length of time - using "perfect" in much the same sense as it gets used in "perfect storm", of course. It's just long enough to get them completely off their sleep schedules, but not enough to make it worth scheduling formal activities. Plus, it's coming right after the time change, so it's uniquely positioned to make sure that nobody is on schedule when they go back to school.

And yeah, if I had any sense I'd have scheduled for a week of vacation for myself this week, but... I don't, so I didn't. And honestly with some the things going on at work right now, I really couldn't even if I'd planned to. Capitalism would be a lot easier to deal with if I were ridiculously wealthy already...

Anyway, by the time you read this I'll be back at work and coughing on people. Onward and upward, my friends! Nothing but good times ahead.

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