Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Secondborn's Marvelous Weekend, Part Two

So, following our night of Back Yard Camping, Secondborn reminded Beautiful Wife that she had promised to let him call one of his friends from school. We did this, and naturally the two aspiring YouTube Video Creators wanted to have a play date. So we made arrangements, and after a while the friend's mom dropped Secondborn's friend at our house.

We were, more or less, ready.

I took all three boys (Firstborn, Secondborn, and Friend) down to the school playground at the end of the street and turned them loose with Nerf guns for The Great Nerf-Gun Battle Of 2019 (may its horrors and its glories never be forgotten). That lasted about half an hour, plus twenty minutes of walking each way. After that, the younger boys settled in to make videos while Firstborn had his bass lesson.

Secondborn and his friend really wanted to turn the whole thing into a sleepover, but we managed to head that off.

Despite that bit of disappointment, though, they had a great time and Friend's Mom asked about maybe arranging a trade-off over the summer, where we'd take turns dropping one boy off at the other's house. (If you aren't a parent, you might conceivably not realize that opportunities like that are pure gold and should cultivated immediately, especially if the friend and his family seem like nice, sane, balanced people.) (They do.) So that one was really a win all the way around, and Secondborn had the Best Saturday Ever.

I might have been just a wee bit tired by the end of the day, but that's the price we pay for a child who was A. completely thrilled with his life, and B. actually ready to go to sleep when bedtime came around. And honestly, I feel like we really don't provide enough of these opportunities for him; Secondborn is an extrovert in a family of introverts, and the amount of emotional stimulation he needs wears the rest of us out. That doesn't change the fact that he needs it, though. And he's getting old enough to seek it out himself: he's the one who got us his friend's phone number, for example.

So how did Sunday go? Well...

Oh, no, wait. You can't read that part 'til tomorrow.

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