Monday, March 4, 2019

Old friend named Flu drops by for a visit...

So, Firstborn has the flu. (Type A, if you're curious.) Hit him late Friday night, apparently, and kept him in his bed for a lot of Saturday and in his room for a lot of Sunday. He's out of school today, and very possibly tomorrow, too - depends on how long the fever tries to hang on.

We probably should have expected this, seeing as how Beautiful Wife is going out of town this week and it would have been so nice to have a quiet, peaceful weekend to prepare for that.

Instead, well: medical appointments, extra stress, and a prescient anticipation that either of us might very well get horribly sick ourselves. There are a couple of silver linings, though: Secondborn has already had this strain of flu this season, so he should be safe; and we caught it on the very first day, so we were able to put Firstborn on Tamiflu and hopefully speed the recovery process that way.

Still, this is going to figure pretty prominently on my 2019 list of Things I Really Could Have Done Without.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's terrible. I hope your son feels better soon.


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