Intern: "I don't know, I just don't like the way it comes out."
Me: "Yeah, that instruments-on-each-side design sounds like a good idea, but it just doesn't work. So... go find a picture with lightning, and use that for the background on the page."
Intern: "Seriously?"
Me: "When was the last time it didn't rain on that festival? Make a sample page with lightning."
Intern: "Okay..."
{time passes}
Intern: "How's this?"
Me: "Hm... the bottom's a little dark. Find a picture of one of our crowds, and put them down there."
Intern: "The boss is going to kill us both."
Me: "But it will be funny."
{time passes}
Intern: "Take a look."
Me: "You know, that actually works."
Boss: "What works?"
Intern: "This version, with the lightning and the crowd and the band towering over them. Please don't kill me."
Boss: "No, I like it. It's definitely better than that guitar thing. In fact..."
Yes, sometimes this really is how pages get designed.
It sounds like making a sausages -- or legislation.