Friday, December 13, 2024

Villain: Preacher Strong

Name: Reverend Nicolas Webster Strong
Alias: Preacher Strong
Age: 52
Appearance: A tall, imposing man in his early fifties with neatly-trimmed salt-and-pepper hair, always dressed neatly in a suit and tie.
Job: Preacher, Human Supremacist

Nicholas Strong is a man who has never questioned much of anything. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; Humanity is living in the End Times and the End of Days is nearly upon us; Satan and his demonic servants are everywhere waiting to tempt the faithful from the narrow path of Truth. The Judgement could come any day, like a thief in the night, and the only way to be ready for it is to repent your sins and dedicate your life to Jesus. 

A fire-and-brimstone preacher with powerful convictions, Preacher Strong moved from street preaching to traveling ministry, touting his expertise on defeating evil spirits and actual demons; he claims to have faced down monsters through the power of his faith in God. He preaches against those who have traded their souls away to the Devil in exchange for power, and in favor of those who turn away from such evil and give their lives to God. He is not a faith healer as such, but there have been a few incidents reported and one of followers is supposed to be a former Anomaly.

He has a wife and daughter in Royse City, Texas, but with the demands of his ministry he seldom sees them.

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