Monday, December 9, 2024

Student: Team Leader Spark [Team Dragon]

Name: Gregory "Greg" Alan Hendricks
Nickname: Spark
Age: 18
Appearance: 6' 1" tall, broad-shouldered, and athletic; his brown hair is neatly trimmed and fashionably styled, and he carries himself with an air of authority.
Notable Skills: football, hockey, basketball, strategy and tactics, eagle scout, driving
Quirks: rules-oriented, quick to make decisions but has trouble changing his mind, prone to mansplaining/sharing expertise, loves anime and video games, prefers dogs to cats

As the captain of Team Dragon, Spark is self-assured, decisive, and goal-oriented. As when playing sports, he wants his team to win -- and he wants to take care of his people. This makes him an ideal leader in most sorts of contests, but becomes a challenge when the goal is less clearly defined. He does not deal well with nuance, and gets angry with situations that he can't easily categorize. His saving grace is that he is willing to listen to his team; both Veil and Catapult can offer insights that he lacks. 

As a student, he is attentive but not always insightful; he remembers facts and narratives but doesn't always consider them critically. As a friend he is loyal and prone to giving and receiving a certain amount of good-natured teasing. His tendency to be competitive in interpersonal interactions rubs a lot of the other students the wrong way.

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