Tuesday, December 31, 2024

For the New Year...

This year I intend to get back in shape, take up martial arts again, and become the ultimate badass. I will reform our political system, destroy our monopolies, and fund local governments and libraries. I will dye my hair interesting colors and punch Nazis. I will hunt down God Himself and kick him in the 'nads for letting His creation get out of hand like this. I will drink so much Irish whiskey that my body will start generating its own, and I will write stories to make women swoon and brave men weep. I will eat at least one salad! I will gather my army of crows and establish a corvid utopia. I will resume bicycling and climbing, and steal fire from the sun to give to mortals. I will abolish the abomination which we call Generative AI, establish a federal privacy law to protect the data of our citizens, and sew more patches on my jacket. I will cook bacon. I will cook so much bacon that the God of Pigs will swear vengeance against me. And I will do it all with a smile on my face.

What do you have planned?

1 comment:

  1. This was awesome.

    2024 had some tough times for me and my family health-wise, so I’m mostly just hoping for a nice, boring 2025.

    But stealing fire from the sun would be cool.


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