Friday, December 27, 2024

Time's Almost Caught Us, My Friend

Well, we made it past Christmas and we're on to New Year's Day. To absolutely nobody's surprise, I'm not ready. But hey, here we go!

Got to spend some time with my friends online, which was a huge relief. Some of the family are back in town and others are coming into town -- Christmas is dragging out this year -- and I didn't take any extra time off because we've got a few things that need to happen right at the end of the year. It's nothing near what came up at year end at the last job, though, so I'm grateful for that.

I've been working on a story that's basically a tribute to a lot of my early X-Men/New Mutants/Generation X comic book reading; I still think there was a lot of interesting stuff going on there that never quite made it over to the X-movies. 

Meanwhile, I'm reading Jennifer Crusie's Maybe This Time, and I have to say that while I would not have expected gothic horror from her, she's done it really well here. She's also done an excellent job with writing the two kids, and (as always) with the romance.

Onwards to 2025! Here's hoping it turns out better than it looks right now.

The title of the post comes from this clip, from the classic movie Highlander. Damned good thing they never made any sequels to it; that movie was complete in itself.

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