Thursday, September 5, 2024

Passage of Faith, part two

Redrick huddled behind the locked door of his cabin and knelt to pray. "Beloved Xandria," he began. "I have done as you willed, and taken the amulet. It was my intent to keep it secret, but with everyone on the ship in danger I chose to place my trust in them instead. Please watch over the crew and the other passengers; the crew is trying to help, and the danger to my fellow-travelers is unjust. Please pay particular mind to the Aarakocra who claims to have taken me under his wing; I do not know whether you placed him here to be a guardian for me or whether the fates jest at my expense, but despite his manners he has more than proven his value."

There was a faint stirring in the back of his mind, and then a momentary image of a robed, winged figure with a palimpset and a pen: the celestial Ernost, Balancer of the Scales. "Ah, Redrick Gleamalong. I hadn't scheduled... well, here you are, so I suppose it was arranged for us." They glanced at the palimset, frowned, and continued: "I will do what I can on your behalf, for you serve honorably and well."

Redrick swallowed. He hadn't expected anything more than a very general message; a chance to ask questions was not to be wasted. "Will we be attacked again, Holy Balancer?"

Ernost nodded. "Yes. A rat may be devoured by a serpent, but it may also create openings for them to use. Until you are rid of this vermin, you will continue to be attacked... and after, if they find you again."

"Can I trust the crew of this ship?"

"They have no part in this yet, and no love for your enemies. You have done well with them."

"If I may... what exactly is this amulet?" 

Ernost hesitated. "This must be your final question, for I cannot answer it. It is a tool of the enemy, more of a danger than it seems, and a warning of greater dangers yet. More than this, I may not say and have not been told."

Redrick swallowed. "I see. I am grateful for the answers you have given, and will continue to undertake the charge that I was given."

"The charge given to you is a burden and a curse, and you are blessed for having undertaken it. Once the amulet reaches the Archive, more may be revealed." They began to fade.

"I will see it done," said Redrick, and opened his eyes to find that he was talking to himself.

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