Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday Morning

Finally managed to go to bed early, with the result that while I woke up feeling refreshed I'm still kind of logy and unfocused. My body is basically telling me, Oh, so you finally went and got enough sleep! You know what would go really well with that? EVEN MORE SLEEP. Which, after the recent string of late nights, I can't blame it. 

So we're taking it easy today, and hopefully for the rest of this weekend. I've got a couple of things to do, but nothing that should require too much brainpower. Might Baldur my Gate some more, or I might finally settle in and play Undertale. Oh! Or finish up The Entropy Centre. I have options, is what I'm saying here.

How about some music to get us through the day? This week, I'm listening to Mirabilis: 

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