Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday, again?

Seriously, why do Mondays keep happening to me?

Though honestly, now that I'm settling in at the new job I dread The Coming Of Monday a lot less than I have in years; I should have changed jobs years ago, probably right around the time that they tripled my responsibilities but left me at the same job title and paycheck. 

Fridays are usually relatively quiet, and I spent a chunk of last Friday going through old service desk tickets from people who are no longer here, then emailing people to find out what the current status on the issue happened to be. I was able to close some of them; the others got added to my To Do list, along with whatever supplemental information I'd been given about them. Top of the list for this morning is a support call to figure out why the command to refresh the information in the Training environment from the Production environment doesn't seem to be working. 

I had a nice, quiet weekend, which was good because last week was -- despite my best efforts -- somewhat fraught. I keep hoping that things will settle out into some kind of regular pattern, and things keep stubbornly resisting me on this. I've also started a new book, which I'm enjoying; I might add a review of it once I get a little further along. 

Ah, well. Onwards and upwards! Here's hoping, as always, for things to get better.

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