Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Good!Party: The House of Vampires

 So we get fixed up by Clovis, who is apparently now reporting directly to Helios. We also have him hit us with Spell Immunity, and Geddy covers us with Death Ward. 

We are now immune to death effects as well as…

Magic Jar, Fireball, Sunburst, Ray of Enfeeblement

We head back to finish the job, leaving Clovis to haul the unconscious buxom naked woman up to the infirmary. Clovis: “I have the worst luck EVER!”

We mount up on Eva and teleport into position in front of the house just above the fourth floor. Geddy casts Haste and looks around for enemies. Eva drops Glitterdust on the balcony, revealing nothing, but at least we know there’s nothing there. Tavros leaps across to the balcony and barrels through the curtain, ripping it down in the process; the room is suddenly a lot brighter. He also passes through a Symbol of Pain, which he doesn’t actually notice. There are three thralls on the bed making out, and beyond that there’s a wizard, a warrior, and two archers. 

Leira immediately hits the wizard with three Scorching Rays, then does it again, and then does it again. Vampires are ridiculously tough, but this is nearly enough to take him out. She remains on the dragon. One of the minions suddenly looks up from bed, and casts Waves of Exhaustion off the edge of the balcony. The vampires mist their way through the door and into the room behind. 

Tavros knocks out the three thralls and steps to the side. Eva lands on the balcony and becomes a human woman. Geddy has gone limp from Waves of Exhaustion, and Eva is carrying him. The door opens and there is a Thrall standing there. Leira tosses her prepared fireball, wiping out a room full of thralls and adding more fire damage to the four fleeing vampires. The wizard mists into his coffin. 

Tavros steps through the door, into a bunch of arrows, most of which miss him, but he still takes damage as the first one through the door. He attacks the warrior in front of him, doing a lot of damage. Eva moves up and touches Tavros, imbuing him with Displacement. 

Leira fills the room with a Sunburst. Several of them burst into ash from sudden-onset sunburn, and the others are badly damaged. Leira moves up to where she can see the wizard, then follows up with quickened fireballs. This does not actually take them down. There were coffins around the edge of the room, but they’re pretty well destroyed now. 

The wizard tags Tavros with Chain Lightning, then casts a quickened Resist Energy on himself. The archers shoot, but hit Tavros’ image instead of him. The fighters managed to hit him once for real. Tavros cuts down the remaining warrior, and then moves over next to the wizard. (“Ew! I’m stepping on burnt thrall!”)

Eva throws another Fireball into the room. The remaining vampires are still up, but Leira drops a Fireball and takes everyone except one archer. She adds a quickened magic missile to finish him. We do a little selective Lesser Restoration, and some healing. The wand of Lesser Restoration has four charges left; Eva blows her entire run of Cure Light Wounds on Tavros, who also Lays Hands on himself. We clear out one more bedroom full of thralls, sparing them again.

Once we’re ready again, Tavros heads down the stairs. There’s a thrall waiting on the stairs to cast Waves of Exhaustion on him. Also Ray of Enfeeblement, but that does nothing; a disembodied voice says, “Ah, clever! I shall enjoy playing with you.”

Tavros: “You’re cute, but you’re not my type.” He knocks the thrall unconscious. Leira has cast Greater Invisibility, and Eva renews Displacement for Tavros. Geddy starts singing, to inspire us to heroism. Leira pulls out a wand of Knock, and unlocks the door. Tavros hauls it open. 

On the plus: room with a pile of treasure in it. On the minus: a lot of thralls. There’s a very large bed with a lot of thralls on it; this was probably the lord’s room. There’s a mix of fighters and mages. One of them attacks with Scorching Ray, burning him a bit. Then it drops Horrid Wilting into the stairwell, damaging us all a bit. 

Tavros steps into the room and moves to stand beside the obvious spellcaster. The vampiric fighters move to attack Tavros and, um, fail. To hit. Completely. Leira fills the room with Sunburst, and suddenly the room is empty of life and unlife alike. Eva immediately enters the room and starts looking through the treasure. It’s about 60,000 GP worth. Then she stops, and turns, and looks at Tavros. Tavros is standing beside a shield on the wall which is decorated with the family arms. It is a +5 animated Heavy Steel Shield. Tavros immediately claims it. 

A mist comes out of the armoire and materializes into a vampire lord; we hear a door open out in the hallway. Tavros charges the vampire lords, but misses. Two more vampire fighters move into the room, and two more wizards appear in the hallway. One of the fighters manages to hit Eva, which he will probably regret in short order. The two sorcerers target Geddy with Lightning, catching Leira by accident in the path. They both avoid the worst of the damage. Leira goes down. 

Eva immediately drops Cure Critical Wounds on Leira, bringing her back to consciousness. Geddy follows this with Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass – healing us and damaging vampires. This also reveals the presence of a thrall moving into the stairwell outside. The vampire lord escapes the worst of it, but it’s a solid distribution of damage. 

The thrall steps into the doorway and hits us with Horrid Wilting. The vampire lord swings at Tavros, but only hits him once; Tavros hits him twice, hurting him badly. The sword hums in his hand, satisfied with its work. 

The two fighter vampires attack Eva, doing a bit of damage; the sorcerers Magic Missile Geddy, and he goes down to take a nap. 

Leira drops Sunburst, and fills the room with light – incidentally killing the thrall in the hall, which should be a Dr. Seuss book – and wipes everybody except one sorcerer, who’s still badly scorched. She follows it with a fireball, but doesn’t take him down; she follows with Magic Missile, and almost finishes him. Eva throws out another magic missile, and finishes him. 

Eva and Geddy hear someone else pad into the stairwell; they point, and Leira throws a fireball out there. Eva rips the armoire out, exposing a passage into the next room. Laying on the bed is a woman, and there are two more thralls standing by her bed. And alarm goes off when she does that, and the woman on the bed opens her eyes. A Power Word Stun trap goes off, but Eva ignore it. 

Geddy, still lying on the floor, throws Cure Moderate Wounds Mass again, and tags the woman on the bed. “My pretties, that was a mistake! You will rue the day!” 

Tavros: “What, like the base for a soup?” 

She drops Horrid Wilting in the room. Leira goes down, and Geddy is just barely on his feet; Eva takes part of the damage for Geddy, but shrugs off the attack on herself. Tavros charges and hits her, damaging her noticeably. Eva drops Cure Critical Wounds on Leira, and Geddy drops another Cure Moderate Wounds Mass. 

The vampiress sorceress turns into mist form and tries to slide away; Tavros follows and attacks, but catches his sword on the doorframe and comes to an abrupt, unexpected halt. Leira, also still on the floor, throws another Sunburst into the room. Eva follows and throws another Magic Missle at the mist, taking her down. Her mist starts moving back towards the coffin under the bed, and Leira turns the coffin into a bonfire. 

Sitting on the dresser is a darkskull, which was unhallowing the house. There’s an ornate goblet holding a gem, which she was using as a soul gem for Magic Jar. We also claim her cloak of Charisma +6, and 30,000 gold. We check over the remains of the Vampire Lord, and he had 50,000 GP. 

We stop there – with the two top levels clear, and treasure taken.

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