Monday, March 10, 2025

Villain: Mongrel

Name: Winston "Win" Davin Johnston
Alias: Mongrel
Age: 36
Appearance: 6'4", broad-shouldered, athletic, right-curled black hair, dark brown eyes, dark skin; usually barefoot, favoring loose sweatpants and a long coat.
Job: Anomaly-hunter for the CIA's DAAT program

At thirty-six years old, Winston Johnson is the oldest alpha hound in the DAAT program, and one of the chief reasons why its hunters are referred to as "hounds". CIA researcher and DAAT program chief Alexandra "Alex" Johnston was simultaneously appalled to discover that her son was a monster and impressed with the physical potential conferred by his abilities. She sought and received a special dispensation to study him, and when he proved able to reliable differentiate between regular humans and his fellow Anomalies she received a black-money grant to seek out others who could the same. That grant eventually became the foundation of the DAAT program as its increasing popularity and public concerns about Anomalies moved it into grey ops and then political popularity. 

Win thinks of himself as a monster who exists to hunt other monsters, channeling his monstrous abilities against his fellow Anomalies for the greater good. He channels his natural bloodlust into destroying the worst of his kind, and finds his redemption in recruiting those willing to join the cause. He is grim and intense in person, ill-suited to missions requiring any sort of social camouflage, and always on edge. So far, his abilities have proven sufficient to keep him alive despite his occasional disregard for his own welfare. 

Mongrel is a semi-canine shifter, capable of turning into a dog-like creature with armor plates like an armadillo and roughly the size of a horse. He has an intermediate form, bipedal but also clawed and armored, and is gifted with tremendous strength and stamina, enhanced senses, regeneration, and strong natural armor. 

His handler is a grizzled forty-year-old man who uses the callsign Huntsman and specializes in close- and mid-range combat, generally relying on firearms. Mongrel regards him as a second father, and takes any criticisms from him very much to heart.

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