"Okay," said Maria. "So I do have one more question: why are we called Team Kraken?"
Kim sighed and Gaunt looked away.
"Seriously," Maria said, leaning forward. "I'm the only one with water-based powers, and I just got here. And thankfully there doesn't seem to be any kind of tentacle theme to our abilities, either."
"No, you're right," said Cat, and chuckled. "It was the best we could come up with."
"...Seriously?" asked Maria.
"We were looking for something that sounded powerful," Kim said, reluctantly. "I mean, we're following Team Dragon and Team Phoenix. Where do you go from there?"
"Team Vampire sounds like exactly the kind of Anomaly that terrifies the normies," Gaunt said quietly. "Team Unicorn sounds like a bunch of schoolchildren who want to feel special; nobody would take that seriously."
Maria shook her head. "So Kraken was... what? A compromise?"
Kim nodded. "Because nobody wanted us to just be Team Three."
"...All right," Maria conceded. "I should probably just be glad that we don't get sponsorships. I'm really not prepared to be part of Team Coca-Cola."
Kim responded with a theatrical shudder. "Perish the thought. We almost went with Team Colossus, but since there's an Anomaly who's already using that name, well, we thought he might take it the wrong way."
"Or we might get sued," Cat said quietly.
"Yeah. Or that."
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