Thursday, February 13, 2025

StV: The Prophet and the Acolyte

"Escaped, you say?" The Prophet's voice was mild, but then the Prophet's voice was always mild. The cares of this world did not touch him, and his divinity had placed him beyond all human pettiness and spite.

"I believe so, Holiest." Janet Hendrix kept her voice even, because none of that meant that she was not in danger. The Prophet cared about the Work, and attempting to transfigure a Deviant interfered with the Work. Having a deviant then escape...? That could be a disaster. "He was helped by other Deviants."

She didn't know that that was true, but she was not about to explain to The Prophet that she and Jefferson and Michael had gotten their assess handed to them by a bunch of teenagers. And since both Creswell and the teenagers had vanished into thin air, it seemed very likely that they'd done it together. 

 "That is troubling," The Prophet observed. "I had hoped you could handle this alone, but even I had not expected outside interference. Are they known to you, these Deviants?"

"No, I'd never seen them before." Janet swallowed. "I have one of their names: Emily Hubbard. Emil is running a search already. And Bernard Creswell is likely to cause chatter if he reappears."

"Very well." The Prophet nodded thoughtfully, then looked towards the heavens. "Find them -- all of them -- and see that they do not interfere further. Protect our reputation through whatever means you deem effective. I trust to your discretion in this. Should you need additional resources or assistance, pray to me and I will provide."

"Yes, your Holiness." Janet bowed her head. "It will be as you say."

"In all things," The Prophet agreed, and left the call.

Janet heaved a sigh of relief. She wasn't honestly sure whether or not the Holiest could strike her down over a video call, but one way or another she would be removed if she threatened the Work. They were remaking the world, after all; remaking humanity. Mistakes could not be tolerated. 

As for Mr. Creswell and those damnable teenage Deviants, well... perhaps they would see reason. Or perhaps they could be influenced. Or, if all else failed, they could always be removed the hard way. Blessed Savior, she hoped they could be removed the hard way.

All she had to do was find them.

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