"This is the proposal," Dianna Salvatore said, gesturing to the screen. "Saint-Vincent and I can't bankroll the whole thing, not without returning to some activities that we both find distasteful. But you're still in the game. You have capital and to spare."
Bernie nodded slowly. "An automated factory. Producing what, exactly?"
"Mobility aids, for the moment. Powered braces like the pair that Saint-Vincent uses to walk."
"They look a bit clumsy," said Bernie, automatically pitching his tone to sound dubious.
Dianna caught his eye, and a slight grin quirked her lips. "Too late, old friend. I know you were impressed."
Bernie chuckled. "Caught me," he said, pausing to study the light green skin of his fingers before touching the screen to enlarge the blueprint in front of him. "And you say one of your students came up with this?"
Dianna nodded. "Armor. She's... this is her particular Anomaly."
"Impressive," Bernie admitted. "So you basically have the sole source on this, and you can patent and produce it -- or license it out."
"Exactly," Dianna told him. "You'd get a cut of the profits, but we'd basically feed the rest back into getting Armor set up with the materials and infrastructure she needs for her inventions. Well, that and the school -- we've picked up a few more students who can't afford tuition than is really good for our finances."
Bernie chuckled. "Including, I'd guess, some of the ones who came to my rescue."
"Yes, they--" Dianna trailed off, straightening. Her expression went blank as she stared into the distance. "Shit. You're in danger. They'll be waiting at your apartment when you get back. You don't die, because I send one of the teams back with you, but you're hurt."
Bernie frowned. "Age of Rebirth?"
Dianna nodded. "Yeah. And while I didn't actually see it, I'd bet good money that if they take you out, they'll come after my students next."
Bernie sighed. "I did warn them, but I guess they chose violence instead."
Dianna leaned down and pulled up the school's chat program. Bernie didn't recognize it; it was something proprietary, and probably highly secured. A window popped up, and Dianna said, "Larry? Can you get Team Phoenix together and have them meet us in front of the Office? And see if the new uniforms are ready."
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