Friday, July 26, 2024

State of the Unio-- um, Me. Or the Blog.

Whuf. So we're a little off-schedule here. Dark Armor hasn't been updated in weeks, the Thursday D&D posting have been erratic because the games have had scheduling issues, our DM is moving to Boston in just a little bit, I'm two weeks into a new job, and Firstborn is heading off to college in less than a month. 

I am 25000% out of my head. 

The job change is good: better pay, nice people to work with, a much more focused scope, and a lot less bullshit. They actually promote internally. The only real downside is the commute, which isn't a big difference in time but does cost more in gas and tollway extortion. I'm digging into some things that are very familiar -- user roles, workflows, and like that -- and some things that really aren't -- utility billing, permits, and suchlike. 

So far, nobody from the former job has called me to ask for help about the stuff I handled previously, but then I was very careful about who I gave the new cell phone number to. 

Dark Armor will likely be back as soon as I can get the rest of my shit together and put myself back in that headspace. It'll keep its place on Fridays. 

D&D will likely continue, just online, and the high schoolers should hopefully have picked back up by the time this posts; they're due to interact with the orcs who oversee the dinosaur herds. Following the collapse of the campaign that I was playing in, one of the other players is running a series of sessions in Disgraceland: the island that was taken over by his sorcerer-turned-vampire in the last campaign. I'm not sure about posting the notes from that campaign here; I'm playing Olen Mosk, a half-fiend Bard with an emphasis on Bluff and Oratory, and the other players are the priest of a sex cult and a halfling druid who's a literal trash panda. I'm also considering DMing something for one particular Discord server that I'm on; I'm just not sure how much headspace I have for that. 

I'm very sad about our DM moving to Boston; that's going to seriously curtail my social life here in Texas. This is not to say that I disagree with the decision; I can absolutely understand why they'd want to.

Firstborn heading off to college... if we're being honest, I have absolutely no idea how I feel about this. I'm distracted, of course, but I think I'm also in denial; I'll probably figure out how I feel about it when I finally get around to reacting to it, which might be a while. I will, however, say without reservation that I am incredibly proud of the child (even if I shouldn't really be calling him a child anymore; he's old enough to get drafted). It's time to give him room to make his own mistakes. Maybe past time, given that he spent his Freshman year of high school on Covid lockdown. 

My navel-gazing posts are  usually kind of mixed news, but actually I'm feeling pretty positive about this one; it's just that there's a lot going on. I hope the rest of you are on a more positive trajectory as well.

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