Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A Dream, A Nightmare, A Transformation, part four

In his current mood, Chris didn't even mind Grundus' company. The older wolf walked with him as he changed course towards the dormitory and made his way to his room. They stopped at the door, and Grundus asked: "You aren't an elder, are you?"

Chris shook his head. "Nope. I'm every bit the daft youth I pretend to be."

Grundus shook his head in return. "No, you're not. I still don't know what you are, but maybe it doesn't matter. You protected Elyssa somehow, didn't you?" 

Chris sighed. "I'm just another wolf, Grundus. A little stronger, a little faster, a little tougher... that doesn't make me better. Did you really think I was an elder playing at being a new recruit?"

Grundus studied him for a long moment. "No," he said at last. "I haven't ruled it out completely, but... no, I don't see it. An elder would have pulled us in as allies, to cover for him. You..."

"...Don't like people?"

"For whatever reason, you're a fucking lone wolf," said Grundus. "That's not a condemnation, it's just an acknowledgement. You don't work with others and you don't want to, except when you do. I honestly didn't think you'd make it through the program, but you're loyal to the people you're working with. You and Antoinette -- and now Elyssa -- have managed some amazing things."

"Whereas you want the wolves here to be a single, united community." Chris kept his voice wry, but it suddenly made sense why Grundus had been so focused on him. He was going against the program. 

"Close enough," Grundus affirmed. "But you know what? When somebody asks you for help, you answer. I'll take that."

"Allies, then," said Chris, looking for the word to describe what he thought Grundus was asking for now. 

"Yeah," the older wolf answered. "That'll do."

"All right," he answered. "But not until after I sleep."

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